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核心提示:公告信息:采购项目名称福州市三江口植物园方案设计国际招标Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden Design P
采购项目名称福州市三江口植物园方案设计国际招标Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden Design Project International Tender


行政区域福州市公告时间2022年05月03日 09:36
提交文件截止时间2022年05月25日 17:30
资格预审日期 2022年05月26日


福州市三江口植物园方案设计国际招标Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden Design Project International Tender 招标项目的潜在资格预审申请人应在详见附件领取资格预审文件,并于2022年05月25日 17点30分 (北京时间)前提交申请文件。



项目名称:福州市三江口植物园方案设计国际招标Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden Design Project International Tender


预算金额:580.0000000 万元(人民币)




本项目( 接受 )联合体投标。 详见附件
















应在 2022年05月25日 17点30分 (北京时间)前,将申请文件提交至详见附件。








Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical GardenDesignProject

International Tender Notice


According to the relevant documents of Fuzhou Municipal Government and Fuzhou City Garden Center, Fuzhou Construction Development Group Co., Ltd. is launchinga global public tender for the "Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical GardenDesign Project" (hereinafter referred to as "the tender"). The relevant matters are announced as follows:


I. Project Background


On March 24, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Fuzhou Fushan Country parkand said, "Fuzhou, as its name, is a blessed citywith unique ecological conditions;Fuzhou should build a city with mountains and water, hoping that a blessed state will better benefit the people and make a greater contribution to our country!" Fuzhou is located in the coastal area of shallow mountains, where the sea and land are interlaced, and geographically spans two climatic zones and vegetation divisions ,it hasa unique landscape ecological backgroundand climatic conditions, diverse ecosystems and rich biodiversity resources. Fuzhou also has a rich and diverse history and culture, and is building a modern international city for the future, so as to promotehigh-quality urban development.

图1 三江口城市设计

Figure 1 Sanjiangkou Urban Design


Sanjiangkou area is the core area of Fuzhou New District,which isan important node in the middle of Fuzhou's development axis of "east to south", an important springboard for development along the river to the sea, and the "land and water gateway" of Fuzhou city. The area has a unique and typical landscape urban pattern, with mountains, plains, wetlands, estuaries, and a rich variety of landform types. The construction of the botanical garden in the Sanjiangkou area, making the construction of the botanical garden and the enhancement of Sanjiangkou area develop together, which will fully highlight the image of the landscape city and promote the construction of the new city; improve the structure of the green space system, connect the regional greenway network, and contribute to biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and encouragethe general public to improve theirscientific literacy andmakea contribution.


The construction of the botanical garden is intended to learnfromexcellent design concepts and successful experiences at home and abroad, and five major principlesshouldbe followed: (i)put ecology first, adjust measures to local conditions; (ii) the garden should be considered with the city,and builda network; (iii) achieve differential development according to distinctive features; (iv) develop reasonablyand has its own hematopoietic ability ; (v) overall depolyment, step by step implementation.Inorder to meetthehigh starting point design and high standard constructionof the botanical gardenfrom an international perspective and to explore sustainable operation mode, international public tender is nowcarried outforthe scheme design of Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden in Fuzhou.


II. Design Scope and Content


(I)Planning and Research Scope


Planning scope:Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden (Temporary name) is proposed to be located in Qingliang Mountain and Chengmen Mountain in Sanjiangkou Area. The area of Qingliang Mountain is about 315 hectares and the area of Chengmen Mountain is about 349 hectares, total area is 664 hectares (Figure 2).

图2 规划范围

Figure 2 Planning Context


Scope of the study :Taking the development and construction of the botanical garden as an opportunity, consider the effective path of synergistic planning with the surrounding parcels . The scope of the study takes the botanical garden site as the core and extends the functions and urban spatial forms of its surrounding sites (Figure 3), with a total area of about 41 square kilometers, focusing on sorting out the relationship with Tietou Mountain, the urban axis of South Lake, the hub of South Railway Station and the slow-moving system of Sanjiangkou area, and strengthening the coordination of the botanical garden and the urban landscape and the complementary functions.


Figure 3 Scope of the study


(II)Planning and design objectives and content


I. Design objectives


(i)Benchmarking against first-class, international vision


On the premise of highlighting Fuzhou's regional characteristics, landscape pattern and zonal botanical resources, responding to the overall requirement of building the core area of a modern international urban new city, and combining the advantages of the transportation hub, art highland, urban gateway and international exchange concentration area in the Sanjiangkou area, an open and diversified international first-class botanical garden and the surrounding city functions shallbe created through various construction methods such as the characteristic special garden, digital botanical garden and cultural tourism botanical garden. At thesame time, the concept of plant biodiversity shall beintroduced into other public open spaces in the area to build a pan-botanical garden ecological tour areaof Sanjiangkou, which shalleventually form a globally unique Sanjiangkou city living room with rich biodiversity, livability and characteristics.


(ii)Accurate positioning and outstanding features


High-level botanical gardens shallhA/Ve competitive resources and brands. Through competitiveanalysis of important botanical gardens at home and abroad and plant-specific gardens in the region, combined with the analysis of geography, climate and site conditions of this project, the differentiated development direction of Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden shall beproposed to clearly position itself, show its characteristics, and put forward competitive and unique plant species, exhibition methods, characteristic resources and scenic features, etc.


(iii)Mountain and water scenery, city and garden in harmony


Shaping a scenic botanical garden with distinctive characteristics of a landscapecity. In response to Fuzhou's construction of a landscapecity and to create a typical ecological civilization for the benefit of the people, Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden shallrely on the unique spatial pattern of mountains, water and new cities, give full play to the spillover effect of the botanical garden, and take into account the special functions and positioning of the Sanjiangkou area as a high-speed railway hub, exhibition center, art center and urban landscape gateway, and propose a "layout, construction, and operation" approach that fits thegarden withmultiple zones . Thegardenshallbe integrated with the city to achieve complementary advantages and resource integration with the surrounding urban land, create a unique landscape botanical gardenfor alandscape city, and lead the construction of "Sanjiangkou Area" of Fuzhou modern international city.


(iv)Phased orderly and developflexibly


The construction of botanical garden is a long-term and accumulation project, which is not just a handful. The elastic development path shallbe formulated with reasonable stages and hA/Ve flexible room for growth. Focus on analyzing the planning of Sanjiangkou, articulating the timing of the construction of the area, determining the plan of phased construction, taking into account factors such as transportation, funding, feature display, and urban construction connection, etc., reasonably comparingthestart-uparea (Phase I project, not less than 100 hectares), and formulating a detailed construction planning plan for the first phase of the botanical garden project(scheme design).


(v)Construction, management and operation as a whole, sustainable development


As the construction and operation of the botanical garden requires long-term stable capital investment,in order to meet the requirements of the "market-oriented" construction and operation management mode, the Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden shallintroduce the concept of sustainable operation and development for planning and design under the premise of satisfying the basic functions, and through the introduction of social capital, combining science and popularization with culture, sports, business and tourism, scientific research and industry, the botanical garden shallraise funds and generate income to achieve healthy and benignoperation and realize long-term sustainable development.


II. Design content


The overallplaningand design shall include the functional positioning and development strategy of the botanical garden, the development proposal of the integration of the garden and city in the Sanjiangkou area, the overall design of the botanical garden, the design of habitat protection and construction, the general layout of the special garden, the ecotourism planning of the botanical garden, the design of plants in the open field special garden, the design of greenhouse plants, the architectural design, the design of road traffic and slow trafficsystem, the design of guide and signage, the design of operation management system, the construction timing, the scopeanddetailed design of the first phase of the botanical garden, the scheme design and the investment estimate, etc.


(i)Suggestions for integrated development of the gardenand city in the Sanjiangkou area


Through the overall research of the study scope, thetenderer shall focuson sorting out the connection between the botanical garden and Tietou Mountain, the urban axis of South Lake, the hub of South Railway Station and the surrounding open space, andshallskillfully construct the slow corridor and urban vitality zone connected with each other, especially the corridor between Qingliang Mountain, Chengmen Mountain and the urban axis of South Lake, making it an organic part of the botanical garden as a whole. The tenderer shallalso integrate the urban functions of the area, such as the exhibition center, art center and historical district, and proposes the "layout, construction and operation" of the botanical garden, which is in line with the "garden-city integration" and "one garden and two districts". "At the same time, the concept of plant biodiversity shall beintroduced into other public open spaces in the areato build a pan-botanical garden ecological tour areain Sanjiangkou, which shall eventuallyform a globally unique Sanjiangkou city living room with rich biodiversity, livability and characteristics. The tender shall formulate feasible transportation connection mode, land adjustment strategy, operation management mode and tourism development path, so that the botanical garden construction can improve and seek common development with Sanjiangkou area, and promote the transformation of Sanjiangkou area from a transportation hub to a world-class tourism destination.


(ii)Functional positioning and development strategy of the botanical garden


By analyzing the competition of important botanical gardens at home and abroad and the botanical special gardens in the region, combinedwith the analysis of the geography, climate and site conditions of this project, the tendershall propose the differentiated development direction of Sanjiangkou botanical garden, clarify the positioning, show the characteristics, accurately locate the goal of Sanjiangkou botanical garden from multiple directions such as plant species, exhibition methods, characteristic resources and landscape characteristics, and build an open, diversified and international first-class botanical garden through various construction methods such as characteristic special garden, digital botanical garden and cultural and tourism botanical garden.


(iii)Overalldesign of the Botanical Garden


Through the investigation and evaluation of the geography, climatic conditions and background construction conditions of the project area, relying on the unique pattern of mountains, water and new town in Sanjiangkou area and closely focusing on the functional positioning of the botanical garden, the landscape background characteristics and functional division of the botanical garden should be defined, and the overall layout of the botanical garden space shallbe carried out according to the requirements of vegetation flora characteristics, local characteristics, site conditions, ecological habits and ornamental characteristics of plants.Under the premise of giving full play to its background advantages, the multiple objectives of scientific research, ecological restoration, popular science education and leisure and entertainment shallbe realized, creating a unique landscape botanical gardening a landscape city.


(iv)Habitat protection and design


Through the investigation and assessment of hydrology, soil, vegetation, topography and light within the site, the existing or potential types of habitatsin the botanical garden shallbe clarified. On this basis, with the focus on ecological conservation and habitat constuction, the types of habitats and habitat construction strategies that shallbe A/Vailable in the botanical garden shallbe proposed so that the mountains and wetlands can give full play to their ecological benefits and create a rich botanical garden habitat with local characteristics, thus the biodiversity of botanical gardens can be fully manifested.


(v)Overalllayout of the special garden


In order to achieve the integration of "garden and city", the botanical garden shallbe built in the mode of "garden within a garden". The plan shallcombine the positioning and characteristics of the botanical garden, put forward distinctive and valuable types of plant special gardens, and carry out the layout of special gardens by considering the site conditions, such as relying on the existing Qingliang Mountain gardento build a special garden for azaleas, or relying on the jasmine fields in Chengmen Mountain to build a city garden, so as to realize the public nature of the botanical garden and better lead the construction of the Sanjiangkou area.


(vi)Botanical garden ecotourism planning


By introducing the concept of sustainable operation and development for planning and design, relying on the excellent ecological environment of the botanical garden, and on the premise of not exceeding the carrying capacity of the botanical garden, the tenderershall plan the theme of plant exhibition, develop ecotourism activities and routes, and build a cultural and tourism botanical garden that can generate own value, so as to realize long-term sustainable development. In addition, the tenderer shall considerthe exhibition center, art center, historical block and other urban functional areas in the area, link the regional tourism resources around the botanical garden,and put forward ideas for the tourism development of Sanjiangkou area.


(vii)Road traffic and slow trafficsystem design


The superior plan and related special plansshall be implemented, the connection of the slow trafficsystem between "one garden and two districts"shall be proposed, the construction of a slow corridor and urban vitality belt connecting each othershall be conducted skillfully, especially the corridor between Qingliang Mountain, Chengmen Mountain and the urban axis of South Lake, so that it can become an organic part of the Botanical Garden as a whole. The transportation system that combines scientific research and sightseeing in an orderly manner in the garden shall be set up, the design and traffic organization of the sightseeing roads to meet the demand for the numberof visitors and the capacity of the attractions in the garden shall be reasonably laid out; recommendations on the configuration of the external traffic connection and gardening facilitiesshall be made.


(viii)Architectural concept design


Fuzhou's climate conditions, distribution of zonal plants, functional requirements, spatial layout, plant growth environment simulation, and equipment systemsshall be coordinated, the necessity and feasibility of building plant greenhouses and cold roomsshall be demonstrated, and on this basis,the conceptual scheme design of the buildingshall be proposed, the structure and form of greenhouses and exhibition hallsshall be determined, a suitable living space for plants and a comfortable tour environment for visitorsshall be created, and the tenderer shall make full use of wind, water, geothermal, solar energy and other green energy, reduce construction investment and operating costs. Meanwhile, other major buildings of the botanical garden including science education buildings, scientific research buildings, and management buildingsshall bereasonably laid out according to the needs of the overall scheme, and the conceptual schemes of the major buildings shall becompleted.


(ix)Phased development planning


Byanalyzing the planning of Sanjiangkou, the timing of the construction of the areashall be articulated, the plan of phased constructionshall be determined, factors such as transportation, funding, feature display, and urban construction connectionshall be taken into account, the start-up area (Phase I project, no less than 100 hectares)shall be reasonably compared, and the design of the first phase of the botanical garden programshall be completed.


(x)Botanical Garden Phase I Program Design


After determining the starting area of the botanical garden, the schematic design of the first phase of the project shallbe carried out and the final result shallreach the depth of the schematic design. The analysis of the current conditions, the general layout plan, various professional plans, vertical plans, renderings reflecting planning and design intentions shall be completed according to the functional positioning of the botanical garden.


(xi)Botanical garden construction and operation management system design


By introducing the concept of sustainable operation and development for planning and design,and taking 5A scenic spots as a reference, the effective ways for the sustainable operation of the botanical garden shall be put forward, such as the setting of relevant infrastructure and tourist facilities, the cooperative operation mode of government and enterprises, the combination of popular science and culture, sports, business and tourism, the mutual assistance of scientific research and industry, etc. Raise funds and generate income, and the tenderer shall clarify the economic benefits that the botanical garden can achieve through the estimation of investment, financing, construction, operation and management costs, so as to make the botanical garden realize healthy and benign operation and long-term sustainable development.


III. Thescope and content ofinternational tender


(i)Conceptual master plan phase:complete the conceptual overallplan of Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden in Fuzhou.


(ii)Scheme deepening phase: thewinning tenderershallintegrate each shortlisted schemes and complete the optimization of the conceptual master plan of Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden in Fuzhou City, and the plan shallreach the depth of the detailed construction plan. Phase I of the Botanical Garden shall reach the depth of the schematic design.


(III)If the relevant planning data provided in the planning and design content of this announcement is adjusted during the Q&A stage of the qualification shortlist, all bidders shall fully respond.


III. Tender mode


The tenderincludes two stages of qualification shortlisting and scheme selection.

(一)资格入围阶段。通过公开报名的方式招募国内外优秀设计单位,通过资格及概念提案评选确定入围名单,允许以联合体形式投标。投标单位需要提供包括资质水平、主创设计师及团队成员、业绩证明等能表现团队设计实力的相关证明材料,并提出方案设计的简要思路。最终由专家评选出 5 家投标单位进入下一阶段的方案评选。若投标单位数量或入围投标单位数量未达要求,主办单位保留终止招标的权利。

(i)Qualification shortlisting stage. Excellent design companiesfrom home and abroad shallbe recruited through open application, and the shortlist shallbe determined through qualification and concept proposal selection, and allow bidding in the form of consortium.The tendering companyshallprovide relevant supporting materials including qualification level, chief designerand team members, proof of performance, etc. that can show the design strength of the team, and present a brief idea of the program scheme design. Five tenderers willbeselected finally by the experts to proceed to the next stage of proposal selection. If the number of tendering companiesor the number of shortlisted tendering companiesdoes not meet the requirements, the organizershallreserve the right to terminate the tender.


(ii)Program selection phase. The shortlisted tenderers shall submit the program design results inaccordance withthe requirements of the "Fuzhou Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden Program Design Task Book". The organizer will organize experts to select and recommend the ranking of the program, submit to the municipal government to determine the final ranking, and entrust the first selected design companyto carry out subsequent program integration and deepening work. The scheme deepening should draw on the advantages of each tendering scheme. At the same time, according to the opinions of the municipal government, headquarters, expert review and other parties, deepen the refinement and integration into a comprehensive and original design scheme to guide the planning and implementation.


IV. Tender requirements


(i)The tenderis open to the public. All domestic and foreign design companies are allowed to participate in the bidding, and the number of consortium members shallnotbemore than 3. This project does not accept an individual’s or an assembly of individuals’ registration. All parties shall not form a consortium to participate in the bidding in their own name or with other bidders.


(ii)There is no qualification requirement for this international bidding, but the bidder should hA/Ve undertaken similar botanical garden projects with a land area of no less than 100 hectares in the past 10 years, and provide the design contract performance certification materials.All legal independent corporate enterprisesor organizationsregistered at home and abroad and hA/Vethe above achievements within the validity period can sign up. Two or more legal persons whose legal representativesare the same person, parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company, may not register for the competition at the same time.


(iii)Tendering companies are encouragedto join forces across borders and integrate teams with different experiences in urban planning anddesign, landscape design, architectural design, operation planning, industrial and functional planning, etc.


(iv)Considering the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on international flights, etc., overseas tendering companieswithout branches in China shall form a consortium with domestic tendering companiestoparticipate in the tender.


(v)The chief designers participating in the tender shallpreside over several similar projects, designers shall hA/Vemore than 10 years of relevant work experience, and shall participate in this tenderin the whole process, including important links such as results reporting, review and answering questions (including video conference). If it is found in the bidding process that the chief designer is inconsistent with the list of personnel submitted in the prequalification application documents, the organizer has the right to cancel its bidding qualification.


(vi)The professional and technical personnel participating in the tender shall be the registered personnel of the tendering company. In order to ensure that the project team members hA/Ve an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of the Chinese region, project planning and design personnel should include at least one person who is proficient in Chinese and has an intermediate professional title or above.


(vii)The bidder shall participate in this bidding activity according to the above requirements, otherwise the organizer has the right to cancel its bidding qualification. In addition to the above terms, when the organizer of this tender makes reasonable requests, the tenderer should continue to provide additional qualification documents that meet the corresponding requirements.


(viii)Priority shallbe given to tendering companieswith the following conditions:


Planning and design experience of similar botanical garden projects;


Tendering companieswith domestic and foreign academicians or masters who hA/Ve undertaken similar projects as the chief designers;


The chief designerof the project has won international or domestic awards in related industries.


V. Design Fee & Honorarium


The tenderpays the design fee (including tax) to the five tendererswho are qualified to be shortlisted and participate in the evaluation of the proposal:


First place: The winning tenderershallbe qualified for the project scheme design contract, and shalleventually receive a total of RMB 4,000,000 for the scheme design preparation after the project scheme integration and optimization and deepening are completed.


Second place: compensation fee of RMB 800,000.


Third place: compensation fee of RMB 600,000.


Fourth and fifth place: compensation feeof RMB 400,000 for each.


No compensation fee shallbe paid to the unsuccessful tenderers in the qualification phase.


Notes: the design fee and compensation fee of this project shallnot be adjusted due to the adjustment of urban planning or scheme design scale by the organizer, and the tenderers shall give fully respond.All costs (including trA/Vel and accommodation) incurred by the tenderers to participate in the tender shall be borne by themselves.


VI. Time Schedule


The tender is divided into two stages of qualification shortlisting and scheme selection, and the specific time schedule is as follows:

阶 段



Program Time

事 项



Phase I


Qualification shortlisting


17:30 on May13th, 2022


Application deadline


17:30 on May 25th, 2022


Pre-qualification application documents submission deadline


May 26, 2022


Pre-qualification meetings are held


May 27, 2022


Announcement of pre-qualification results and issuance of invitation letters to shortlisted tendering companies


Phase II


Program Selection


June 01, 2022


Project launch, site survey, Q&A, etc.


July 28, 2022


Schematic design phase,deadlineforsubmissionof design result documents


July 29, 2022


Hold a review meeting of the designprojects


Notes: The above time is based on Beijing time, and the organizer shall reserve the right to adjust the specific time points in due course.


VII. How to Apply


(I)Tendering companiesdownload the application form (the application form attachment can be found on the China Procurement and TenderNetwork http://www.dlztb.cn/, China TenderPublic Service Platform http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/, China Urban Planning Society Network http://www.planning.org.cn/, Fuzhou City Construction Engineering Electronic TenderPlatform https://www.fzztb.com/, Fujian Province Public Resources Transaction Electronic Public Service Platform https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/, Chinese Government Procurement Website http://www .ccgp.gov.cn/download), after the form is filled, pls submit it to qzzxzx@163.com, after the organizational companyreceives the application form, it shallreply to the pre-qualification related documents by email. The deadline for registrationis: 17:30 on May13th, 2022. Late submissionornon-compliant registration information shallnot be accepted.


The application document summary form of prequalification application documents shall be sent to qzzxzx@163.com in excel format before 17:30on May 25, 2022.


(II)Pre-qualification application documents shall be made in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, and the submission of pre-qualification application documents includes two ways: on-site submission and express mail.


1. To submit on site, the tenderer shall hold the legal representative authorization letter;if in the form of a consortium, the tenderer shall hold the legal representative authorization letter of the lead design companyof the consortium.


2. When submitting by express mail, please allow enough express delivery time for thematerial to be delivered. Tendering companies shall do a good job of express wrapping, such as using cartons or foam boxes for wrapping. The consequences caused by damage or loss of information during the mailing process shall bebornebythetendering company itself.


(III)Time and place to submit the pre-qualification application documents: Tendering companiesare required to submit the written pre-qualification application documents to the following designated place before 17:30 on May 25th, 2022. Pre-qualification application documents submitted to: Biding Room, 11th Floor, Chengtou Building, No. 15 Taijiang Road, Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Receive pre-qualification application documents for working days Beijing time 09:00-17:30, late submission of pre-qualification application documents shallnot be accepted.


(IV)Pre-qualification results notification:Within 3 working days after determining the list of shortlisted tendering companies, the selection results of shortlisted tendererswill be announced in the form of announcement.


(IV)Contact person and contact information: Miss Chen 15805975918;Mr Sun 0591-87277022


Telephone consultation time: 08:30-12:00, 14:30-17:30 (Beijing time) on weekdays



VIII. Pre-qualification documents


The pre-qualification application document consists of two parts: the registration document and the concept proposal, which shallbe in separate volumes.


(I)Requirements of the content of the registration documents

A4 规格(210mm×297mm),1 正7 副,不超过40 张单页纸内容(双面打印,页码只到80,页数限制不含封面封底扉页和目录),胶装。

A4 size (210mm × 297mm), 1 originaland 7 copies, no more than 40 single-page paper content (double-sided printing, page number only to 80, page limit does not include the front and back cover title page and table of contents), adhesive binding.


(i)Application form for tenderers of the international tenderproject for the design of Sanjiangkou Botanical Garden in Fuzhou City




(iii)Consortium agreement


(iv)Business license or valid agency registration documents and other qualification documents


(v)The identity of the legal representative, the legal representative of the power of attorney


(vi)Basic information and brief introduction of the tendering company


(vii)Summary of project team personnel list


(viii)Project chief designerresume form


(ix)Project team personnel resume form


(x)Summary table of similar project experience


(xi)Other materials

具体要求详见招标文件第六部分 资格预审申请文件格式。

Specific requirements are detailed in Part VI of the tenderdocuments pre-qualification application document format.

(二)概念提案为A3横版图文排版设计文本,1 正7 副,单面彩色打印,不超过30页(不含封面封底)。内容包括但不限于以下:

(II)Theconcept proposal is an A3 horizontal layout design text, 1 original and 7 copies, printed in color on one side, shall not be more than 30 pages (excluding the front and back covers). Content includes, but is not limited to:


(i)Understanding of the project, key problems solving, workingideas and planning and design concepts;


(ii)A description of the project's technical route, development goals, and development strategies;


(iii)General idea of the project and general spatial structure;


(iv)A description or partial design of the future spatial characteristics of the project;


(v)Team organization division of labor, time point plan, etc.;


(vi)Cases with reference value and their relevant analysis of the content associated with this project;


(vii)The content and practices that can be learned from the past design projects of the tenderer.



  • 资格预审文件应由投标单位的法定代表人或者其授权的代表签字并加盖公章(或电子章)、骑缝章,如由后者签字,应提供“法定代表人授权委托书”。

(i)Pre-qualification documents shallbesigned and affixed with the official seal (or Electronic seal) and seam seal by the legal representative of the tendering companies or its authorized representative; if signed by the latter, the "Legal Representative's Authorization Letter" shall be provided.

  • 全套资格预审文件的正本和全部副本均应使用不能擦去的墨料或墨水打印、书写或复印,并由法定代表人或其授权的代表签署,盖投标单位公章(或电子章)。资格预审文件应无涂改和行间插字,除非这些改动是根据文件的指示进行的,或者是为改正投标单位造成的必须修改的错误而进行的。有改动时,修改处应由授权的代表签署证明或加盖校正章。

(ii)The original and all copies of the full set of pre-qualification documents shall be printed, written or photocopied using ink or ink that cannot be erased, and shall be signed and affixed with the official seal(or Electronic seal) of the tendering company by the legal representative or its authorized representative. The pre-qualification documents shall be free of alterations and interlinear insertions, unless such alterations are made in accordance with the instructions of the documents or to correct errors caused by the tender entity that shall be corrected. In case of changes, the changes shall be certified by the authorized representative's signature or stamped with a corrective seal.

  • 资格预审文件中所有的资格标准证明文件均须在有效期内,加盖投标单位公章(或电子章)。否则资格预审文件在符合性检查中将被视为无效投标。

(iii)All qualification criteria supporting documents in the pre-qualification documents shall be valid and stamped with the official seal(or Electronic seal) of the tendering company. Otherwise, the pre-qualification documents shall be considered invalid in the conformity check.

  • 如为联合体投标,联合体各成员的资格预审申请文件均须分别加盖各自的单位公章(或电子章)、骑缝章。

(iv)In case of joint tendering, the pre-qualification application documents of each member of the consortium shall be stamped with their respective official seal(or Electronic seal) and seam seal.

  • 资格预审申请成册文件均须制作目录并标注页码。

(v)The pre-qualification application documents must be made into a catalog and marked with page numbers.

  • 资格预审申请文件报名材料语言必须以中文为主,存在必须使用英文或其他外文,须提供中英文对照格式,中英文不一致之处,以中文为准。

(vi)Pre-qualification application documents registration materials language shall be mainly in Chinese, if English or other foreign languages are necessary, both Chinese and English versions shall be provided. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  • 未按本须知规定的格式填写资格预审文件、资格预审文件字迹模糊不清的,其投标无效。

(vii)If the pre-qualification documents are not filled out in the format specified in these instructions, or if the pre-qualification documents are illegible, their tenders will be invalid.


IX. Information Release Platform


The official announcement is A/Vailable on the China Procurement and TenderNetwork http://www.dlztb.cn/, China TenderPublic Service Platform http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/,China Urban Planning Society Network http://www.planning.org.cn/, Fuzhou City Construction Project Electronic Tenderand Tendering Trading Platform https://www.fzztb.com/, Fujian Province Public Resources Transaction Electronic Public Service Platform https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/, and the Chinese Government Procurement Website http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/. If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English in this announcement, Chinese shall prevail.


Hosted by:


Fuzhou Construction & Development Co.,LTD


Organized by:


Quanzhou Engineering Consulting Center Co.,Ltd



名 称:福州市建设发展集团有限公司     




名 称:泉州市工程咨询中心有限公司            

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