Invitation for Bids
Date: 10 November 2022
Name of Country: P.R. China
Name of Project: Procurement of Fire Protection Equipment under Project for the Industrial risks Management and Prevention in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Financed by AFD
IFB No: 0702-2250CITC0040 招标编号:0702-2250CITC0040 1. The Guangxi Fire Rescue Department has received funds from the Agence Française de Développement (the French Development Agency) towards the cost of Project for the Industrial risks Management and Prevention in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Procurement of Fire Protection Equipment. 广西壮族自治区消防救援总队已从法国开发署(AFD)申请到了一笔贷款,用于支付法国开发署贷款广西消防系统工业风险防范能力建设项目项下的费用,并计划将其中部分贷款用于消防设备采购项下的合格支付。 2. CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Procurement Agent”), authorized and on behalf of Guangxi Fire Rescue Department (the “Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the procurement of Fire Protection Equipment (“the Goods”) and related services. 受广西壮族自治区消防救援总队(买方)的委托,中机国际招标 (以下称“买方代理”)邀请合格投标人提供消防设备(“货物”)和相关服务的密封投标。 Lot No. 包号 Name of Goods 货物名称 Quantity 数量 Place of delivery 交货地点 1 Fire Protection Equipment 消防设备 1 batch 1批 Project Site 项目现场 2 Fire Protection Equipment 消防设备 1 batch 1批 Project Site 项目现场 only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding: 投标人应满足如下资格标准: 1) Copy of Business License for domestic bidders or similar registry documentation for foreign bidders. 2) The bidder shall provide the financial audit report examined and approved by Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for the last three years(2019-2021)to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position based on the following criteria: a) liquidity ratio ≥ 1.1[(Current Assets) / (Current Liabilities) ≥ 1.1];b) indebtedness ratio ≤ 80% [(Total Liabilities) x 100 / (Total Assets) ≤ 80%]. 3) Minimum A/Verage annual supplier turnover of the amount is:For Lot 1: Euro 25.50 million or currency equivalent. For Lot 2: Euro 60 million or currency equivalent, calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress and/or completed within the last 3 years, divided by 3 years. 4) A minimum number of similar contracts specified below that hA/Ve been satisfactorily and substantially completed as Supplier, or joint venture member, between 1st January 2017 and application submission deadline: 2 contracts financed by foreign government loan. The contracts’ cumulative value must be no less than the following amount: Lot 1: Euro 17 million or currency equivalent; Lot 2: Euro 40 million or equivalent;The Bidder shall provide a copy of the contract (including contract name, contract number, date, contract related parties and signature page) and an acceptance certificate. The statistical time shall be subject to the date of issuance of the acceptance certificate. 5) The Bidder shall provide certificate of bank credit (AAA) issued by the first-class bank located outside of PRC or provincial level of a state-owned bank located in PRC within 3 months before bid opening(Including translation copy). The bank credit certificate must indicate the credit limit provided for this project, and the credit amount should not be less than Euro 30 million or currency equivalent. If the bank credit certificate does not show that the credit line provided for this project (project name and bid number must be indicated) and/or the bank credit certificate is provided by more than 2 banks, the bid will be rejected 6) A certificate of commitment with the official seal of the unit and the signature or seal of the legal representative,which was not ordered to suspend business, bidding qualifications were cancelled, property was taken over, frozen, and bankrupt. 7) A certificate of commitment with the official seal of the unit and the signature or seal of the legal representative, has been no fraudulent bidding, serious breach of contract and major quality problems in the past three years. 8) In the past three years (2019-2021), a letter of commitment for bad record in the foreign government loan project issued by the purchaser or its procurement agency request to claim to Domestic department in wording. Not provide or falsely provide a letter of commitment will be rejected. 9) In the past three years (2019-2021), the bidder must provide a letter of commitment which does not failed to deliver any equipment under the contract for more than twelve months from the date of receipt of the contract advance payment in the foreign government loan project. Not provide or falsely provide a letter of commitment will be rejected. 10) Consortium bidding is not accepted for this project. For detailed qualification requirements, please refer to Chapter 3 evaluation and Qualification Criteria of the Bidding document. 1)国内投标人的营业执照副本或外国投标人的类似登记文件。 2)投标人应提供最近连续三年(2019-2021)会计师事务所出具的财务审计报告,根据以下标准证明投标人当前的财务状况:a)流动资金比率≥1.1[(流动资产)/(流动责任)≥1.1];b)负债率≤80%[(总负债)x 100 /(总资产)≤80%)]。 3)投标人年均营业额至少为针对第1包:2550万欧元或等值货币;第2包:6000万欧元或等值货币,以最近3年内进行中和/或已完成合同的总认证的付款总额除以3年计算。 4)在2017年1月1日到招标文件提交截止日期之间,作为供货商或联合体成员已令人满意且基本成功完成至少2个外国政府贷款项目合同。合同累计金额不小于:针对第1包:1700万欧元或等值货币;针对第2包:4000万欧元或等值货币。投标人需提供合同复印件(包括合同名称、合同号、日期、合同相关方及签字页)和验收证明,统计时间以验收证明签发日期为准。 5)投标人应提供开标前3个月内由国外一流(AAA)或中华人民共和国国有银行省级机构开具的银行资信证明(包含翻译件)。银行资信证明中需注明为此项目提供的信用额度,信用额度应不低于三千万欧元或等值货币。如果在银行资信证明中没有显示为此项目(需注明项目名称和招标编号)提供的信用额度和/或银行资信证明由2个以上银行提供,其投标将被拒绝; 6)投标人应出具一份加盖投标人公章和授权代表签字或盖章的承诺书,以证明没有处于被责令停业,投标资格被取消,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。 7)投标人应出具一份加盖投标人公章和授权代表签字或盖章的承诺书,以证明在最近三年内没有骗取中标和严重违约及重大质量问题。 8)投标人应出具一份承诺书,以证明过去三年(2019年-2021年)在所执行的外国政府贷款项目中不得有过被国内业主单位或其采购代理机构以书面形式向国内主管部门请示索赔的不良记录,未提供或虚假提供承诺函的投标文件将被拒绝。 9)投标人应出具一份承诺书,以证明过去三年(2019年-2021年)在外国政府贷款项目中不得有过自收到合同预付款之日起超过十二个月未交付合同项下任何设备的情况,未提供或虚假提供承诺函的投标文件将被拒绝。 10)本项目不接受联合体投标。 更多资格要求详见招标文件第3章评标和资格标准。 3. Interested eligible bidders wishing to participate bid are requested to register free of charge at the China General tendering Network from November 10, 2022 till December 1, 2022 (Beijing Time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB 10,000.00 or Euro 1,300.00 for each set of Bidding documents. Technical support Tel: 4006808126. For mail orders, the document will be sent by courier at an additional cost of RMB 200 (for domestic delivery) or Euro 30 (for overseas delivery). No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery After completing the purchase application on China General tendering Network, bidders can download the bidding documents after payment is completed in accordance with the instructions. Bidders who purchaser the Bidding documents by Telegraphic Transfer shall remit to: Beneficiary: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. Bank:Bank of China, Beijing Xicheng Sub-branch Account No.: 3233 6606 6071 凡有意参加投标的潜在投标人,请于2022年11月10日至2022年12月1日 在“通用招标网” 进行免费注册。整套招标文件每套售价10000元人民币或1300欧元,文件售后款项不予退还。技术支持
投标人在“通用招标网”上填写购买申请后按照指示完成付款,支付成功即可下载招标文件。 以汇款方式 5. Bids must be delivered to 4th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. 14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China on or before 9:30 AM on December 22, 2022 and must be accompanied by bid security of Euro 0.34 million for Lot 1 and Euro 0.8 million for Lot 2 投标文件须在2022年12月22日上午9时30分 保函金额为1包:340,000.00欧元,2包:800,000欧元。 6. Bids will be opened in public and in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 9:30 AM on December 22, 2022 at the offices of 4th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. 14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China. 本项目将于2021年12月22日上午9时30分在 首科大厦四层开标 The Procurement Agent address is: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. Attention: Mr. Wang Yiguan, Ms. Wang Yanwei, Ms. Liu Lu Street Address: Room 1104, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing City: Beijing ZIP Code: 100055 Country: P. R. China Telephone: 86-10-63348675,8449,8503 Facsimile Number: +86-10-63348445 e-mail address:,; 买方代理
来源:电力招标采购网 编辑:china-ten